Women Warriors Connect Journals

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Women Warriors Connect Newsletter/Journals/Women Warriors Connect Journals

Women Warriors Connect Has Journals 

Available on Amazon

Currently there are three journals available on Amazon under the pen name, GI Josie.

Her Stories of Service Prompted Journal

Prompted journal for women who served in the military that helps them to capture stories from before, during and after their time in the service.

Patriotic Lined Journal

Lined journal with 110 pages. Patriotic red, white and blue cover. Capture all of your thoughts, lists or dreams in this composition book. 

Feel Better Prompted Journal

Prompted journal that helps women who served to think through the trouble areas they're experiencing so they can feel better.

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Hi, I Am Carma Connor

CEO Of Women Warriors Connect

This is the place to learn about new resources for veterans. We keep it fun, light hearted and packed full of value.

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