THANKS for Purchasing The Embrace Your Inner Veteran Bootcamp!

Check Your Email For Further Details


Schedule time on your calendar for the next five dayS to take the bootcamp

Watch each day's content and do the homework to help you uncover your inner veteran so that you can honor her, appreciate her, and use her power to help you through every day life. 

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There are daily notes pages and worksheets to help guide you through the  daily bootcamp work and homework.

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You will receive the gift of Movement Therapy. (Don't worry, it's not PT and you can go at your own pace or even do the movement from a chair if you are not able to stand.) 


Through the Gratitude Practice: Thanks For The Sh*t, you will learn how to find gratitude for even the worst of things that have happened in the military or in life to give you even more strength moving forward. 

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If you have any questions, concerns or issues accessing your content, etc. Please reach out and I will make every attempt to get back to you within 24 hours Monday through Friday:

Thank you again and I can't wait to see you HONOR Your Inner Veteran!

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